
Fall semester 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccination requirement for 教师 和 staff



As the College communicated in late May, Skidmore is requiring that all students be fully vaccinated against 新型冠状病毒肺炎 before arriving on campus for the fall semester. 经过深思熟虑, the College has decided to require that 教师 和 staff be fully vaccinated against 新型冠状病毒肺炎 也一样,除非被授予 医疗 or 宗教 豁免.

这 policy applies to all 教师 和 staff (union 和 non-union), independent contractors 以及学院的临时雇员.

After careful deliberation, Skidmore’s 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Logistics Working Group last week recommended a m和atory vaccination policy for all employees to fulfill the College’s 承诺今年秋天回到完全面对面的指导. 这个政策建议 was then presented at a summer (July 19) meeting of the Institutional Policy 和 Planning Committee (IPPC), which includes staff, 教师 和 student representatives. 此外, the Chair of CAFR (the Committee on Academic Freedom 和 Rights) was also present 在这次会议上. 这 representative committee recommended the policy by unanimous 投票.

这 decision is based on extensive scientific evidence 和 is in step with Centers for Disease Control 和 New York State Department of Health guidance that approved vaccines are the most safe 和 effective tool in reducing the risk of hospitalization 或死于新型冠状病毒肺炎. 对传播的担忧更具有传染性和危险性 new variants also weighed into this decision, 和 we believe that a vaccine requirement for all 教师 和 staff, in addition to students, is the best course of action in our ongoing efforts to protect the health 和 safety of our entire 社区. 这 requirement will also be beneficial in allowing us to ease remaining restrictions 和 resume the nearly normal residential learning experience that we so look forward 在秋天.

While 火博体育大学 greatly values personal choice, this is a rare circumstance in which we must give priority to what is in the best interest of the entire Skidmore 社区. There are many vaccines that are routinely required, to the immense health 社会利益. 几乎所有的教职员工和学生都在火博体育 社区 vaccinated will not only protect those who are vaccinated, but also those who are unable to get vaccinated for an approved reason, as well as family 和 close 可能有风险或无法接种疫苗的接触者.

More information regarding our visitors policy will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead.

Employees are encouraged to review the benefits of vaccination 和 疾病控制中心纽约州卫生部 火博体育现有新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗安全性的信息. 学院也 provides vaccination resources for all campus 社区 members; please contact your 向主管或人力资源部索取更多信息.


In order to prevent or significantly reduce the risk of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 transmission at Skidmore College 和 protect all members of the College 社区 from infection, all new 和 current 教师 和 staff (union 和 non-union) will be required to be 9月前完全接种疫苗. 3, 2021, unless exempted from this requirement as a reasonable accommodation of a 医疗 宗教信仰的状态或虔诚的宗教信仰. 人力资源 will follow up with employees during the week of July 26 to provide additional information, including instructions for submitting proof of vaccination, 以及所需表格的链接.

在8月. 13、员工必须:

  • Provide proof of full vaccination; OR
  • Provide proof of first shot 和 appointment for second shot; OR
  • 应用 for a 医疗 or 宗教 豁免 to 人力资源; OR
  • 为员工: 应用 for an unpaid leave of absence until vaccinated, 和 in any event no later 比1月. 3, 2022. 为教师: 应用 for an unpaid leave of absence in accordance with Faculty H和book provisions (第I、IX、C部分)

Evidence of full vaccination, unless granted an 豁免 or leave of absence, must 9月前提交. 3, 2021.


Employees in need of an 豁免 from this policy due to a 医疗 reason, or because of a sincerely held 宗教 belief, should contact 人力资源. 当请求, the College will provide an 豁免/reasonable accommodation for any known 医疗 condition or disability, or sincerely held 宗教 belief or practice, of a qualified individual which prevents an employee from receiving a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine, provided the requested accommodation is reasonable 和 does not create an undue hardship for the College or pose a direct threat to the health 和/or safety of others in the workplace, 教育环境和/或要求的员工.


工作人员 在9月11日之前未接种所有疫苗的人. 3、2021年,不要求住宿 或请假,将执行以下规定:


  • 员工可自愿辞职.
  • 按照学院的 无薪休假 policy, staff may apply for an unpaid leave of absence until vaccinated, or until 1月. 3、2022年,以较早者为准. 未在批准结束前返回工作岗位的 leave of absence will be considered job ab和onment 和 the College will terminate 员工.
  • Otherwise, the College will issue an involuntary termination notice.

工会工作人员: Those who choose not to comply with the College’s vaccination requirement will be subject to further action in accordance with the contract 和 other agreements reached 适用的联盟. 

教师 在9月11日之前未接种所有疫苗的人. 3, 2021:

  • Faculty may apply for an unpaid leave of absence in accordance with Faculty H和book provisions (第I、IX、C部分); OR
  • The College will initiate disciplinary action, up to 和 including suspension 和/or dismissal, in accordance with Faculty H和book procedures (Part I, XI). 违反 违反大学政策被认为是职业上的不端行为.

As we prepare for a full return to work 和 on-campus learning in the coming weeks, it is our hope that this decision will help everyone in our 社区 feel safer 和 更自在. 我们期待在秋天见到你.


马克·C. 康纳

Michael T. 奥尔

Interim 人力资源 Director 和 Assistant Director of Employment & 劳动力 多样性